Systematization of "the Thought"

The Discourse of the Contemporary Muslim Thought should be Global

Let it be known that today our responsibilities of tabligh and jihad can not be duly fulfilled by using a discourse addressing only Muslim world i.e. by selecting the people in Muslim world as only target audience. Instead, the discourse of Muslims should be “global” in the “age of globalization.” We should accept that modernity has achieved a global success in the last two centuries. And if we want Islam to be the “ideology of the future” or to seize a worldwide power, and also if we want this power to be a genuine and prevailing one, we should submit that our discourse should be global. Localized sovereignity (or truth) claims has now lost their chance of being the ideology of the future or winning the hearts or minds of great masses. Every possible mode of sovereignity from then on will inescapably be “global.” The opportunities that the technology and especially the means of communications in our time offer has made the localized sovereignity (or truth) claims almost completely meaningless. In that regard, even if Islamic organizations manage to transform the whole Muslim world, this will be, in the final analysis, a “local” success and thereby will not have an ideological attractiveness.

What is to be done here is to settle an account with modernity and refute its “truth claim” demonstratively. This goal will only be attained by systematizing the thought. Today no one denies the fact that the (Western) ideologies are dead and (Western) “science” is a “sacred cow.” But Contemporary Muslim Thought could not achieve a global success because it could not reach to the level of competence required to triumph over modernity after running an ideological battle with it. There is no doubt that Islam will be the ideology of the future but this depends on performance and efficiency of Muslims. If we, as Muslims, duly perform our tasks, “God surely will guide us to His paths.” This is what He promised us. And what we need to deserve this guidance is obvious: to go into more depth on Islam and modernity, to try to be among those who are of sound instruction, and to make a serious effort to triumph over modernity demonstratively.